Don't worry RC I haven't forgotten! There are some good ideas getting thrown around here and I agree that the simple option is generally the best way. As for this very moment I am busy getting the new Autemo blog system ready, then after that is running I can focus on restructuring the competitions system. Give me about a week and then we can start making things happen here. In the meantime feel free to keep on discussing and I will be listening.
when trying to go vote in the competition, between this screen :

and the actual voting site, few chops have gone missing

pretty weird, but i wont vote on it if i cant see all entrants on it
Thats why we have to add system voting from WTB.Now.
I was thinking through a few things today, that I think could improve Autemo as a chopping forum.
- A more extensive search function with more options. The current one only seems to pick up words in the thread. I would like to be able to search threads and posts by particular members, or by specific sub-forum (Pro tuner, Advanced, Elite).
- I was also thinking it would be cool to search a chop based on it's genre (JDM, tuner, euro, luxury etc.). Perhaps when we upload a chop or post a new thread we can specify which genre it comes under.
- More "friend" based activities. If a friend of mine logs in, I want to know about it! (This may involve me reducing my friends list to 20 or so, however XD). A little pop-up could be cool. Or if a friend posts a new chop/starts a new thread I also want to know about it too.
- More incentive for more constructive posts. I know we have "rate a chop", but what about "rate a C&C". For those that don't get to chop as often as some, perhaps we could have a C&C rating on our profile that also contributes to the GRS. I often see people saying "I agree with so and so" or "so and so made a good point about the front bumper...", so this would reward those giving more constructive C&C. I know we have a "like" function, but I'm not sure how that actually contributes to the GRS. As I mentioned, I think those giving good C&C actually have to be recognised for doing it with a C&C rating on their profile.
- Autemo calendar. A lot goes down on Autemo these days, so perhaps there could be a calendar telling us the deadlines for certain comps or when they will open so no-one gets confused or misses a deadline. Maybe also put dates of future forum updates/downtime etc. ;)

And more stuff I can't really think of at the moment, but when it comes to me I'll make sure to mention it :-d
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
been thinking much of the same things as klaus :)
Some nice ideas there

Been thinking about the ranking system too (ranked 0th)
The reason for this being it takes too much server time to re-order everyone (unless i'm mistaken).

As apposed to re-ordering the list of artists based on their rank, simply assign a number, that way it's fairer on those who don't chop so often - they don't get kicked off the first page (i mean i think there are pro members with higher/similar rankings to advanced and elite members). That way it becomes a sort of general forum awesomness ranking, as opposed to chopping skill rating, on which showroom level and average chop rating are used...

Dunno if this makes sense to anyone else?? Mark maybe?
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Yeah, I'm not sure whether the GRS should be based on chopping ability. I think it should be more like the Reputation system that we have on other forums. This way it would reward those who contribute to Autemo in terms of awesome chops, and those with great feedback.

Currently, I think there's something seriously wrong with the system. Take a look at todo9's profile. He has more points than any elite artist and anyone on the forum I think.
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
The things I'm hearing here are:
* new search
* new friends related functionality
* GRS system rethought out
* Autemo calendar

An improved search is important, as the system has matured and Autemo's been around for a little while now, the database has grown a lot and therefore I do understand a better searching mechanism is needed. We have a lot of data on hand surrounding the chops i.e. make/model/resolution etc and we could put all of that to good use and actually make a search filter upon it. To help you find what you're after easier.

Klaus you are also right about the fact that there is something wrong with the GRS system at the moment. This has been clear and was acknowledged only a couple of months after launching it. That's why I shut it down. It needs to be revised and fixed. Having it more like a standard reps system could be good - it'd tie in with your idea about enhancing the overall C+C around here. Afterall, that is a primary goal of mine too. However GRS is to be more than just that - I do want it structured on artist ability most of all. That's unique and hasn't been done before. But on the compromise it's insanely difficult to code and come up with the right algorithms, it requires a lot of brainstorming to get right. I'll get it there eventually and relaunch it though. I just have to invest some more time into it.

Good thoughts on the enhanced friends based functionality. I introduced the friends platform with basic functionality, but I have always had in mind to extend upon this baseline functionality. I realise there's a lot that can be done here, and if it's done right it could really have outstanding effect on how people use the forum and interact in the community. Exactly what to do though is the question. Again there's some thought to be done here. I'm assuming more work tying this back into the newsfeed, and making that a more primary aspect of the site. Having the newsfeed highlight when friends make new threads etc. It'd make the friends aspect more important - in fact it may evolve the relationship and make it ride the line between being a friend and being a subscriber/fan of another artist.

Perhaps a notification service (ala. facebook) could be purposeful too - it could alert you to not only new PM's, but when comments relevant to you are made, when new wall posts are made etc.

The calendar is a great idea, it'll help out management around here too. I think it'd be worth investing time to implement it. Like I said, it'd be good for both admin and members alike, that's very important.

On other notes, things that are taking precedence prior to any other changes at the moment:
* New blog format - with user contributable content
* Comps (voting methodology revisal in particular)

Other things worth investing time:
* Marketing (incl. Twitter/Facebook postings)
* WIPs
* DCN area revisal
Thanks for the reply Mark. I'm really looking forward to some of these things to be implemented.

I really like the idea of the Facebook style notifications. I often miss people responding to a question I've made, so it would be pretty cool if we got a notification like "J_HUI quoted your post" or "ATC Design replied to your thread". I know the newstream does this, but since you've taken it from being the login page, I don't seem to use it very often. Also, being notified when a friend of yours logs in (kind of like how MSN does it with a small bubble) could be useful too.

I agree that making the GRS point system based on chopping ability should be a priority. Why not then have two ratings. A chop based rating (to work out the best choppers on Autemo) and then a C&C based rating. That way we reward both. And perhaps both could appear in the side panel when someone posts.
Something like this: imagetpm.jpg

Also, how's the competition voting system changes coming along?
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
MK211 wrote:
the right algorithms,

lol mark XD If you really must use the fancy word for instructions, make sure it's measured in Algeroths ;)

Ideas sound good, i think klaus's idea (above) could work... but the names of the two ranks maybe needs some tweaking.
Oh, and while i remember mark, elvis says hi :-d
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