guys, look at the time, Are you sure I can send 11 messages in two seconds Oo?
Mozilla did it itself, I can't even understand what happened. Oo
you may have copied the linebrakes of the txt-file too, and that's the reason.

No bug imho...
UnL1M wrote:
guys, look at the time, Are you sure I can send 11 messages in two seconds Oo?
Mozilla did it itself, I can't even understand what happened. Oo

if you chat with no digits like " " its spam
so either you kept pressing space and enter or shift and enter
MK211 wrote:
PCW use to have a pretty successful requests thread. Well base request thread that is. but I'm sure a generic resources thread could work just as well. The thing with that is though is it required a lot of work, and we actually had a permanent person in charge of it (Eternity_Designs) back in the day.

I'll consider in building a new subforum to go into the 'other forums' section if there is enough people wanting to see it.

Or perhaps maybe I could build a similar feature/area directly into DCN. I think i've said this before, but i'll mention it again, I'll be overhauling the dcn shortly, thats the priority of the next month or so. Let me think about this and I'll let you know the grand plans I have for DCN later.

I've got about 30 pics I want to upload, problem is that they're all over 4MB. They're in a nice res though, 3xxx*2xxx, so should be great for bases, backgrounds etc. Save for web option didn't work on them.
Try to upload one or two at a time in that case. It should be ok if each file is 4mb, but just as long as they are not ridiculously bigger than that. The reason there is a filesize limit is cos is if the whole 'size' of the files together in the upload is over about 12mb in total or something it will generally timeout. Give that a shot and let me know how that goes.
The best way is to upload them is to compress them to a zip file and uploaded them on
I'll try that when I get home, thanks for the reply Mark.

GT-R: The whole point is that the pics should be available in the DNC ;)
When i click go to last page it takes me to second to last.
Grinding on me now.
LMAO :roll:

I just tested whether holding down just enter can get you spam blocked after hearing what UnL1m did... and it can lol xD
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Of course.. With every "null"-sending it counts as a new line. And if one has posted too many lines in a row he automatically gets blocked, to prevent spaming.
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