use the middle mouse button :D
Sorry, didn't see....:( :)
It's good to see all of our suggestions coming into practice.

Bug: I noticed my name twice on the who's online list...
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
phareck, random94, random94, sandy_mo,
lol, you're hacking the forum :P
cant vote ont the profile's comp :|

the "vote now" button isn't working here!

i'm using firefox 3.5 btw..
you need to select voting and judging on the right side
then vote and then click the vote now button :D
Everytime i try and send someone a reply PM the page just refreshes to white and stays blank , when i refresh i loose all of what i write, but the message didnt send -.-'
THANKYOU for fixing the chatbox its all perfect now the links work and everything!

Done a marvelous job old chaps!
On my phone i use the Opera Mini web browser, and for some reason i cant post in the shout box . . . I can post in threads as i am now, but when i type a message and press shout it just refreshes the page . . . Any ideas?
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