T-G-Williams Designs

Autemo Artist


Artist Level
Country Australia
Website daorliar.deviantart.com/
Profile Views 7243


I am a designer by nature. I have spent the larger percentage of my life obsessed with design, whether it be graphic, artistic or industrial. It is what I live and breathe, the love of flow-lines and symmetry, of perception of my work by the car-enthused viewer and the casual onlooker, the psychology behind what makes a design so.
If one were to ask a friend about me they would say that I am driven and passionate about my work, I talk non stop about cars when I feel I can get away with it, critiquing each and every car I see on the road. They will tell you that I can't sit still doing nothing for a long time, without pulling out paper and pen, designing new cars. I'll do it anywhere, in the middle of a restaurant on a napkin, or at night, under the light of a lamp, my equivalent to reading a book before sleep.
I see potential in everything, not just cars, but in posters and in products such as kettles and torches, I love what I do. but my enthusiasum for cars does not only surface on the cosmetics, I love working on cars, I love the mechanical side of everything. what I do is not just a hobby, it's my life.



Check back soon.. (it's too late in the night and I've run out of redbulls I need to finish this area :P)