J_HUI [Administrator]

The Boss man


Artist Level
Avg. Rating

7.71 based on 35 votes
Preferred Style JDM/Tuning
Country Australia
Website www.facebook.com/pages/J_Hui-Design-Photography/205469332829784
Profile Views 72626


Hello there!

My name is Joseph
I'm the owner of Autemo after purchasing it off the original creator MK211 (Mark) back in 2013, The photoshop forums have been a big influence to the work I do now and have since met a lot of amazing creative designers and so I've been doing my best to keep this site running for everyone to enjoy!

Now, I'm not as active as I used to be, but I'll try to drop in to say hello and critique and comment on artworks when I can.

Trying to balance between being a freelance Photographer, Videographer and designer!

Thanks for dropping by, I hope you enjoy Autemo!

Feature Chops