Round 4 (2012 Championships): Bentley Mulsanne

This is the discussion thread for the Round 4 (2012 Championships): Bentley Mulsanne competition. You can talk and chat about the comp in here. Do not submit your entries in this thread. They won't be accepted. Use the proper entry submission form. To go the official comp page click the following link: Round 4 (2012 Championships): Bentley Mulsanne.
This could be fun :P Can you drift a Mulsanne ?
Some men just want to watch the world doing burnouts... :P
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Is the competiton supposed to be in misc comps instead of 2012 championship?
1 person liked this.
Bad base :(
I am not keen on the car, not at all good looking. But I think I will have a go at entering this one :D.
I prefer engine oil and overalls to nail polish and fashion any day♥
o.O oooow shit
super!!! i want creativity on those works folks!
1 person liked this.
Didn't mean to post it in Miscellaneous, will see if Mark can move it.

Blame Construct for the base if you don't like it! :P

I do however think it's good to have challenges such as these. You don't improve by pasting a lip kit on to 240sx every day.
dont`t like that base. But i got an idea and i think i`l make an entry in this one.
Ugly car but this should push people out of their comfort zones.

Ill give it a shot tonight :)
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