
Great job everyone. :-d
Post edited March 29, 2012 at 08:39:47 PM by R34neon01
Got to say that there are lot of great works... also if this round was really different from the usual style we see here... but I've to say also that doing something different bring us new ideas for future works.

So here are my votes (to be honest there are many entries that I wanna rate with a 10/10 but I can't):

10 pt. ollite20: what can I say about that chop? Perfect mix of old style car and some modern part (as I've already written in the 3d of your work I totally love the SLR Stirling Moss exhaust you've used here)

9 pt. Cop: make real the unreal... someone in Alfa can for sure start having some doubt if they look at that chop ("We have really done this one or not?"). Classic Alfa green color is the final touch of art for a well done work

8 pt. Asoares: so here's your vote buddy... a captured scene from "The godfather" or "Mafia 2" videogame... nicely done

7 pt. rich: it's not a mistery... I love to do chop with few mods but that capture the attention for the overall atmosphere... I've to say that probably Bonneville speed cars is an over abused style for this comp.

6 pt. Tomica: mix a Cobra (another over abused donor for this round) and an Alfa and you've the Colfa or Albra, just don't know... but the result is superb... only a criticism for the front window that's looks totally unreal.

5 pt. Zykotec: as usual you've great and different ideas for a chop... I suppose the main donor was a Mini... anyway great work... just a bit too blurred in some part

4 pt. marchalj: well done work... nice idea to see an Alfa chasing a Porsche :D the Toretto guy on the car is a touch of art for me :D

3 pt. hugosilva: you're playing with us my friend, just a couple of work under your standard quality and then you start winning all rounds :D anyway... well done, clean and easy but that capture my eyes.

2 pt. Matt_K: doing the unexpected... that's the point. You've trasformed the Alfa Romeo spirit in something that's not usual to see on a Alfa... (better to say that's impossible to see)

1 pt. R34neon01: IMHO you've done a great job with the donor, so you deserve to be in top 10, unfortunally there are so low quality parts, but working hard you can easy reach better quality (you also deserve a promotion for me)

Once again, congrats to all!
R34neon01 wrote:

Great job everyone. :-d

i think u commit a mistake mate :) the votes are reverse.
Thanks man, I fixed it now. It figures I copied the template from the one person who did thier votes in reverse lmao. xD
aa i posted the original omg what a mistake -.- but i wasn't online past few days so i couldn't tell to admins to edit, anyway if anyone wants to see my work here is it:


and my vote:
10 cop
9 Asoares
8 Tomica
7 hugosilva
6 Rodjoo
5 Matt_K
4 Zykotec
3 basikdesign
2 R34neon01
1 SzR
marko_0811 wrote:
aa i posted the original omg what a mistake -.- but i wasn't online past few days so i couldn't tell to admins to edit, anyway if anyone wants to see my work here is it:


OMG !! marko_0811!! What a great chop.. lot of style! Awesome paint job, love it. I'm sure that chop is in the top10.. more luck in the next one :)
10 - Asoares
9 - Matt_K
8 - Tomica
7 - basikdesign
6 - Cop
5 - ollite20
4 - Zykotec
3 - hugosilva
2 - SzR
1 - R34neon01
10 Points: GTStudio
9 Points: Asoares
8 Points: Cop
7 Points: marchalj
6 Points: ollite20
5 Points: rich
4 Points: Matt_K
3 Points: hugosilva
2 Points: Zykotec
1 Point: SzR
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
10- Cop :-d
9- GTstudio
8- SzR
7- ollite20
6- Asoares
5- Zykotec
4- marchalj
3- Slbamm
2- hugosilva
1- ilPoli

Many good works for a poor base :D
10 Points: ollite20
9 Points: GTStudio
8 Points: marchalj
7 Points: HugoSilva
6 Points: Cop
5 Points: Rich
4 Points: Zykotec
3 Points: Asoares
2 Points: SzR
1 Point: Rodjoo
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