Tough round to vote in.. but here goes:

10pts - Acrobatik - dude!!! so creative! An awesome paint job too
9pts - Itachi - that reflection work with the trees is awesome O.o Even though it says unfinished, it looks very complete to me. Just a shame about the rear rim
8pts - Matt_k - dat paint and dat atmosphere O.o Loving it - it just feels so mean and awesome! Well done
7pts - hugosilva - it looks a little understated with a quick glance, and doesn't really sell itself, but my is that brushing incredible O.o simply epic as usual. Something about it bugs me though, possibly the rim fitament...
6pts - pluum - again lovely brushwork and great atmosphere good work :D
5pts - asoares - another good brush, but i'm not over keen on the green, at least not in this background which seems a bit off. Infact, the background seems to make the paint look a little toony to me, but good effort :D
4pts - T_T_f - always good to see your chops! A very nice design and a great use of donor parts to fit the shapes of the car :D Lovely chop, well done
3pts - Cipprik - a nice looking chop overall - very boy racerish :) Brushing is a bit toony in places though and the bg seems a bit off,
2pts- SatwikeDe - a simple chop yes, but a very effective one! The stance is brilliant and i'm loving the colour combo - very cool chop
1pt - Noxious - I've got to admire the lighting and brushwork here :D Looks really cool, but it's just a little on the blurry side - but very good work none the less :)
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10- Asoares
9- Chita Designer
8- SatwikaDe
7- HugoSilva
6- Andre16vag
5- itachi
4- T_T_f
3- Matt_K
2- Acrobatik
10 pts - Acrobatik
9 pts- marchalj
8 pts - SatwikaDe
7 pts - Itachi
6 pts - Chita Designer
5 pts - Noxius
4 pts - Asoares
3 pts - hugosilva
2 pts - T_T_f
1 pts - pluum
10 Points = Chita Designer
9 Points = Itachi
8 Points = Acrobatik
7 Points = T_T_f
6 Points = Hugosilva
5 Points = Asoares
4 Points = marchalj
3 Points = Noxius
2 Points = EPP Design
1 Point = Matt_K
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
10 Points = Asoares
9 Points = Acrobatik
8 Points = Hugosilva
7 Points = T_T_f
6 Points = EPP Design
5 Points = Chita Designer
4 Points = Matt_K
3 Points = marchalj
2 Points = Noxius
1 Point = Tomica

Good luck to everyone
10 pts - rich
9 pts - Matt_K
8 pts - andre16vag
7 pts - hugerth
6 pts - hugosilva
5 pts - Car Passion
4 pts - Elektro Design
3 pts - NS Design
2 pts - Chita Designer
1 pts - SatwikaDe
Post edited August 11, 2012 at 05:21:46 AM by VirtualTuningUnit
10p - hugosilva
9p- Asoares
8p- Marchalj
7p- Rich
6p- TK tuning
5p- SatwikaDe hugerth
4p- T_T_f
3p- rc82 workchop
2p- iCreate
1p- Tomica
I was going to put something witty in here but then i changed my mind.
10 Points - Asoares - I love what he's done. The color, styling, atmosphere- all epic!
9 Points - pluum - I could have placed this one higher, but I don't think that everything suits this car. The color change is awesome though!
8 Points - Itachi - This is awesome, I love everything about it. But personally, I am not that keen on the new designing, sorry.
7 Points - Hugosilvia - Love the work, yet again but I think the car lacks character. And also, I don't think that the styling- mainly the wheels look good. Rotiforms aren't the best choice..
6 Points - Chita Designer - I would have placed this one higher, the look is good- But personally. I don't like it all that much. Really good turn out though.
5 Points - Car Passion - I like the way that you incorporated the Renault Sport vinyls into this, but I think that the car lacks something...
4 Points - Matt_K - I like this, but I am not keen on the matte color. Or the wheels, but each to their own though. You've done well on this, the car looks great on that background.
3 Points - Ta2man - I like your work, but I am not keen on this one. I am not keen on the wheels with this car, but the styling is good. I think that more could have been done though. Personal opinion.
2 Points - DanRockology - Personally, I like this. The brush is great, and the reflections are good. Personally, I don't like the wheel choice. The front one looks a bit off too. And the body kit doesn't suit this car. But each to their own.
1 Point - andre16vag - I don't know but I don't think that you did a lot to this one. The wheels are good, the color goes, but styling wise, I don't know- it lacks something...

Everyone's entries were great, but the ones above stood out to me most! I loved them all though :). Wish I could have given you all points.
I prefer engine oil and overalls to nail polish and fashion any day♥
10 pts- EPP Design
9 pts- hugosilva
8 pts- Chita Designer
7 pts- T_T_f
6 pts- Itachi
5 pts- SatwikaDe
4 pts- Matt_K
3 pts- Car Passion
2 pts- Asoares
1 point- torres
7-SB Designer
5-Chita Designer
4-rc82 workchop
1- pluum
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