1 person liked this.
Thread reopened as I can't wait any longer for focusonme to produce his entry.

The reason why the entries did not appear in the list of submitted entries is because their file size was too large. If the entries are much larger than 2MB, the uploader fails to resize the images properly to produce a thumbnail, and hence it doesn't show up on the list of submitted entries.

This should serve as a reminder for those competing, that when the images are submitted ensure that all the guidelines are followed. Here are those guidelines:
Make sure your image(s) are JPG and no bigger than 2Mb each
Ensure that your entry adheres to this competition's rules & guidelines
Be aware that in some competitions you're not allowed to have your name/logo on the entry
Once submitted, you can not re-submit again

Considering that focusonme did not follow these guidelines, I don't think it is unfair for us to not wait any longer. Cipprik, this should serve as a stern reminder to follow these guidelines also.

Those who have already voted have been PM'ed to reconsider their entries. I have asked them to reply to my PM when they have done so - if they do not reply, their vote will be voided.
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
10 pts- Chita Design
09 pts- Rc82 Workshop
08 pts- T T f
07 pts- Matt K
06 pts- EPP Design
05 pts- sn
04 pts- DSL
03 pts- rich
02 pts- Zykotec
01 pts- sZr
Have no fear of perfection, You will never achieve it! [Salvador Dali]
10 pts: sn-
9 pts: TK Tuning
8 pts: Chita Designer
7 pts: andre16vag
6 pts: rc82 workchop
5 pts: Asoares
4 pts: T_T_f
3 pts: EPP Design
2 pts: DSL
1 pt: Tomica
10 points = TK Tuning
9 points = T_T_f
8 points = Asoares
7 points = rich
6 points = Chita Designer
5 points = EPP Design
4 points = rc82 workchop
3 points = sZr
2 points = Tomica
1 points = Matt_K
10 Pts- rc82 workchop
9 Pts- Tomica
8 Pts- EPP
7 Pts- Asoares
6 Pts- sn-
5 Pts- sZr
4 Pts- rich
3 Pts- T_T_f
2 Pts- Spinn3r
1 Pt- TK Tuning
10 points = EPP Design
9 points = rc82 workchop
8 points = T_T_f
7 points = TK Tuning
6 points = sn-
5 points = rich
4 points = Tomica
3 points = Chita Designer
2 points = DSL
1 points = sZr
10 points = sn-
9 points = rc82 workchop
8 points = T_T_f
7 points = TK Tuning
6 points = Asoares
5 points = Cipprik
4 points = DSL
3 points = rich
2 points = Chita Designer
1 points = sZr
Post edited July 10, 2012 at 08:26:21 AM by Davy_w84
9chita designer
8EPP design
5TK tuning
^^; Sorry for the interruption , but i didnt want to loose this event , even if you dont re-or-consider your votes, but at least i wanna be proud that my chop was in round 6. So , my casts are as next:

10 points: rc82 workchop - even if has a complete form , i love this automobile ...clean work , realistic and some imagination:D Congrats !

9 points: TK Tuning - nice colored car you have here ! :D this was my basic idea but i change it because the opened doesnt fit in the background...too bad for me , and good for you ! :-d

8 points: DSL - 3rd choice was this chop; i like a lot the originality of the Subaru , the dangerous and WRX Subaru , and also is a good and clean chop , beside that right part of the car , which is lower that left side.

7 points: sn- - This is amazing as wallpaper, clean work , clean car , and also just making a repainting and a few less thinks than the upper choppers. Anyway, superbad wallpaper ! :D

6 points: T_T_f - WOW ! What a color ...i like those saturated colors, but you`ve been missing some spots where should be some extra and non extra reflections ...

5 points: Chita Designer - I dont like this color at all...the work is good , also the car have a good design ,but the color ...:(

4 points: Asoares - nice mood and bg :D too bad that the other car it isnt also a suby :D

3 points: Matt_K - Simply and clean:D i like this car for the rear bar , the new rear bar looks gorgeous !

2 points: Angel of Hell - this work looks a lot with the previous work , that with the dodge ...same reflections , same colors and highlighted toons that annoys me this time ...i also appreciate the classic neon and transparency of the trunk :D

1 point: rich - one single word ! illest .
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