
Autemo Artist


Artist Level
Country Austria
Profile Views 8376


I found some chops in the net and then started trying on my own. That was 4 years ago. Some time later my chops were printed in german "tuning"-mags. My first aim was finished and I got PSU-member. Since before I always was just a beginner, so I'm now, because like everyone can see, I more like drawing than chopping. My drawing level (4 years) is better than chopping level (3 years without brakes). I also do 3D-modelling and -rendering since 3 years, but I only learned the basics in a school for industrial design in Austria. This school year I will finish school (alltogether 5 years, normally finished with 19). In a group of four we design a next generation caravan. At the moment I'm not sure what comes up to me after school, but I have an idea of what I want to do!

PS: Want to get till "Pro Tuner" level in PS-chopping. For me the most important thing is, doing every reflection you ever dreamed of, because all the other things I easily can draw in the same quality and time with my markers!


Feature Chops