Autemo Artist


Artist Level
Avg. Rating

8.67 based on 3 votes
Preferred Style JDM/Tuning
Country Italy
Profile Views 5418


Hi everyone,

I'm Marshall (Federico Marsili) from RIV3RSIDE. I've started chopping for fun some years ago. Now that I'm 21 years old, i've decided to start RIV3RSIDE, a project made to bring some more car culture in Italy (my country) [I hope to have soon the time to build up a facebook page or a blog :-P]. It also concerns the world of virtual tuning (of which autemo.com is one of the largest bearer).

I like to chop every kind of car, especially the ones from the 90's and early 2000's. I like to keep the car similar to the stock one, without losing his original shapes, but with a more angry and original look.

I'm also searching for one or some "partner in crime", so if you are interested in please contact me via pm.

Thank you for visiting my page and don't forget to have look at my works.



Feature Chops