How to make a neutral tone paint

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One of most interesting points of my latest work (the Seicento Sport) was the paint I've done... that's not a brush skill but an easy way to reach a good neutral paint starting from a coloured paint.

So here is how I've done that.

This is a cropped image from the base of the Seicento and, as you can see, the car is in a really vivid yellow.


Now select a brush with black color, create a new layer and set it to "Hue" and start paint!


So, that's all!
This could be a good way to create a neutral base to prepare the car for a new colour! Enjoy!

If you're experiencing some problem the tip works als if you set the level to "Color" or "Saturation"...
If you're looking for a white effect (the one I've reached with the Seicento is a combo of right light on the car, not so reflective pic and spot color)... there's another combo:

- you can reach the same result using the white
- duplicate the level of the color you've used and set that to "Soft light", this probably don't give you a brilliant white paint, but playng with layers methods you can reach almost all results... basically what I've explained is only an easy way to reach a neutral paint.
Post edited April 11, 2011 at 04:37:14 AM by ilPoli
Nice! But i don't understand about black to do like yellow? :mrteeth:
Helpful tutorial! :-d
Really? But i dun the black car to change yellow color?
With black or white brush, setting the level to "Hue" you'll make a neutral paint, probably because those two colors are neutral, if you pick a red color you can't reach the same result.
When you've created a "fake" neutral paint just create a new level and paint with the color you want and set it to "Soft light" or "Multiply" or, if you prefer, like me with the Seicento, a neutral paint the job is done.
Thanks ilPoli, but i need to change from black (Image) to white or yellow...

Any details tutorial?

I've try :) hope to tell you something tonight :)
Thanks a lot.... :mrteeth:
Ok I've tryed... sad to say that the best way is doing a full brush... the only result I've reached is a Chrome paint :D
:( anyway, thank for advise...if form black to white color how? I mean using your step!
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