Alfa 8c Xmas Competition!

This is the discussion thread for the Alfa 8c Xmas Competition! competition. You can talk and chat about the comp in here. Do not submit your entries in this thread. They won't be accepted. Use the proper entry submission form. To go the official comp page click the following link: Alfa 8c Xmas Competition!.
got a great idea but not enough time to do it. im thinking coca-cola lorry theme
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

how can you possibly not have enough time, you have a month O_o
but i like your ideas
triple post, im an admin i'm allowed.
Oh excuse me... :P
First thing it needs is a roof i guess :mrteeth:
Sounds like a decent comp and crissy theme too, So I'll try to give it a stab Stab.gif
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Bram wrote:
First thing it needs is a roof i guess :mrteeth:

haha spot on there :P
jackdarton wrote:
triple post, im an admin i'm allowed.

damm ur admin triple post powers!

i have no time cause i moving house and already have 4 wips, want to finish them first!

love to see my idea made though so its open to anyone but only for an award if i does well :P
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

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