Pssst to Banzai readers...

There might be something coming about autemo in one of the next couple of editions, so keep your eyes open, and let us know if you see something :). I am not allowed to tell you more than that... Secret squirrel kind of stuff!

Oh, and if you now come out of the closet as a Banzai reader, go here and let the truth come out :P
ooh congratz if you are in
banzai is one popular magazine
From someone at Banzai:
"Thanks for your email, apologies for the delay coming back to you - we're mad busy trying to get an issue finished just before Xmas! The Autemo piece will be in the January issue, which is out later this week."

Keep an eye out people! :)
damn epic stuff.
Sweeeet! I can't wait for it to hit the stands :D :D
hey guys, i had a look in banzai today at a shop and saw the autemo feature
it was awesome and mark that is one sweet veilside skyline chop in there ;)
banzai have write it out perfect and made autemo sound awesome, well done guys
Post edited December 23, 2009 at 07:35:00 AM by Zero
:D Awesomeness!!!! I still haven't yet seen it myself! I'll head down to the local newsagent today. fingers crossed the mags in store....!!! If anyones got a copy plz do us a fav and scan it, thanks heaps in advance :)
Here we go :).

Oo This is awesome, I hope this brings out Alot of more, Both choppers and more work! :D
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