Full Brush Background - Perspective Tutorial

It's not the best but it gives you a good idea on how to make a realistic background if you can't find one for a chop. You could modify it a lot by using it for a car park if you don't want the car moving etc.

I stuffed it up a few times with merging layers so the result is quite average and low quality. :/

The image with the radial blur box open, the blur center should be lower down, not up the top corner.

Sorry about the large image, it's quite a small file size though, about 2MB?

I hope it helps some people...

thats great men.. :-d
I'll be honest, not the biggest fan of the final work.

but love how you telk about the vanishing points, it's very handy to know so you can make good composit backgrounds.
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J_HUI wrote:
I'll be honest, not the biggest fan of the final work.

but love how you telk about the vanishing points, it's very handy to know so you can make good composit backgrounds.

Yeah, I know final isn't good as it's what ended up after I finished making the steps and was rushed. I will try and make a new one later with proper motion wheels and stuff.
This was just a quick one, looks a lot better than the other one, could do with a bit more work to get it looking nice though.
It's just a shame that on the top one your road lines are out of perspective massively... as are the porportions....

But meh - gives a good starting point and clear pointers of what to do :D
Nice one :-d
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