Nissan s240

1 person favorited this.
Hello guys, this is my last VT, I have no time to do chops but will post more work soon;)
I hope you like.

Base: Picture546.jpg

VT: nissan_s240_by_psychoprojectdesign-d49n5fu.jpg
Post edited September 13, 2011 at 09:05:03 AM by X-Raited Gay Porn
Psycho Project / Brazilian Chops

sorry my bad inglish.
8.00 (4 votes)
this looks good, only two thing that i don't like.. the white "refs" and the shadow under the side skirt, the side skirt is curved and the shadow is straight..but it's a good chop :-d
Post edited September 13, 2011 at 09:06:43 AM by DopeCreation
You have to put the download image link on the IMG tags. ;)

Thats very purple! Looks cool though. I love the tail lights.
The shades around the licenseplate are gray not black which makes it look weird. The arm sticking out the window should be darker, add some contrast to it. Actually i think i would have added some contrast to the entire image.
Wow, nice idea, the car, just beautiful
thanks guys ;)
Psycho Project / Brazilian Chops

sorry my bad inglish.
Very Nice :)
aweosme :mrteeth:
Cool chop ;) Love the color and bg :)

Just those number plates are awful,and spoiler is kinda bad disorted,
and it could be better if you add some contrast :D

8/10 :-d
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wrong perspective on the rear bumper, we must be able to see the undercarriage...
and the plate is weird

for the rest, nice chop, it looks good
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