Sorry about that Joe, can't think what's happened there. Maybe some sort of internal error? It looks like you'll have to wait until the next showoff comp to enter as I can't put you in after the voting has started (Maybe Mark can)

It says 3 entries because the 4th entry was DQ'd, if you take a look at the entry, it's not his actual profile at all and he's just played with the screenshot in photoshop but for some reason all 4 have gone through to voting.
J_HUI wrote:
I did submit.

I know because after I submitted, I remember it redirected me back to the competition page and saying 1week and something hours left....

I'm devastated :(

Not sure what happened there bud. Haven't heard of it happening before. Are you 100% sure you submitted your entry and it didn't bomb out halfway through or something?
I'm really not sure. I submitted a .png print screen of my profile, and then remember saying to myself pheww nearly forgot to submit my entry.

But don't worry, no harm done, might of been stupid human error or something along the way.

All good :-d
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Thanks for the vote peeps ^^
1 person liked this.
congrats jack

it was kinda obvious who was going to win lol :P
merccopy.png ,
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