BCS wrote:
Grats guys.. Why dont u post other chops you do Mark??

maybe permission :roll:
Yep Zero's right, stuff done for clients (regardless if they're for mags and high profile clients like hot4s or not) shouldn't get re-shown anywhere unless the permission is granted by the client to do so. Even though I didn't get paid for any of the work I did (I took the sacrifice just to secure the deal with them and get the $ work for the other (and future) artists here..).

Also on this note I shouldn't have really posted up the photos here either.., but I wanted to show you guys who won't get a chance to purchase the mag yourselves. In fact I'm going to take the pics down now.
Post edited October 26, 2010 at 09:31:16 AM by MK211
Oh, for those international ones interested (although I don't expect that many to go buy it online), hot4s also do international shipments from: www.magstore.com.au
Hi all

Check out the WTB 2010 feature on YellowWheels.com :D.

Post edited February 08, 2011 at 07:41:13 PM by IronChop
A great write up. Good to see Autemo's getting some well deserved coverage!
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Sweet write up :D
:D yeahhhh my name in YW
wow, we became very populary, i mean autemo community :-d
im proud, team Serbia's ford fokus is there xD
Congratz Autemo :-d hope in My country Autemo also as famous as like this now :D but its a great revolution now.. :-d
awesome just awesome..
rade jebeno svaka nam cast xD ^^
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