I probably won't have time to join, but I had a good laugh while reading the article about this 3rd comp :D :D

Really, congrats to the writer :-d :-d
glad you like the writeup xD
Results are up! More care was taken this time over verifying the votes. Remember people that when you vote, we can see exactly who you've voted for and in what order, so if you just place yourself as number one and leave the rest in the default order, it doesn't look too good :P
Meant to post that in the S2k Thread :P
Why is my car is not vote? I sent while the remaining time was 5 hours and a few minutes :(..

Now I'm sad ..
Can I vote for the round?! Or cannot because I participate!? :)
i loved the entries and today i made my first voting on this site :)good luck to all participants although i know they cant all win
Jack (or someone who did vote), I would like to get an answer to the above question.

Why does not my mitsu no vote. When I sent work, was just over 5 hours of time left. Almost late for work when you had to get the job done.
KuunteleLue foneettisesti..
LEADERBOARD after Round 3

1.RAS-Tuner -100pts(2) 240SX,S2000
2.Hugosilva - 95pts(1) EVO 8
3.Cop - 80pts

4.rc82-workchop - 67pts
5.SzR - 65pts
6.Tomica - 58pts
7.rich - 52pts
8.Klaus - 46pts
9.RJ Anderesen - 40pts
10.rap - 34pts
KING-DARK33 - 34pts
12.AwB - 30pts
m_e_a - 30pts
zykotec - 30pts
15.Sashamtbrider - 26pts
16. Ryaz - 25pts
Lilja - 25pts
Bram - 25pts
19.EDL-Design - 21pts
20.basikdesign - 20pts
DiabloDe - 20pts
ilPoli - 20pts
IvanCS - 20pts
luke jones - 20pts
ice devil - 20pts
F355 - 20pts
27.design05 - 16pts
28.marchalj - 14pts
29.pluum - 11pts
php - 11pts
31.heavyglow - 10pts
phoenix - 10pts
chopperkid44 - 10pts
Bec-u - 10pts
artedigital - 10pts
zh tuning - 10pts
cass - 10pts
pawel z - 10pts
red897 - 10pts
CZRTuning - 10pts
elmo28 - 10pts
Nicklas - 10pts
RDJDesign - 10pts
Lexotic - 10pts
SRT Design - 10pts
Mars - 10pts
Nooby - 10pts
gile - 10pts
escalibur - 10pts
Nibs - 10pts
MKS - 10pts
wildfire - 10pts
Tolias - 10pts
BRT - 10pts
t_b 2008 ls - 10pts
Cipprik - 10pts
DJ Chrisadamson - 10pts

Red - Elite
Orange - Advanced
Blue - ProTuner
Green - Intermediate
White - New Chopper

(nr) - Rounds Win

For TOP20 check out my profile ;)
Post edited March 02, 2011 at 01:19:30 AM by rc workchop
epic work rc82!
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