yeah, ok! this will be a challenge, but a fun challenge! xD
aww cannot find a decent donor for the life of me!!! might not enter this one if i cannot find a decent hotrod donor in time
this will be a laughing challenge. fun , but challenging! good look, guys!
too bad I have no time to participate here <_<
great!! :P :-d
Mine allready has a top fuel V8 and big slicks :D
Anyone knows if i can post now my entry on the forum?

Or i have to wait for the voting to start or close... ¿?
REC, you post the entry in the competition area. And yes you can post now :)

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haha yes, thanks ;)! i knew that. i just wanted to know if i could also post the chop right now in the showroom and in my portfolio or i have to wait for the comp to finish????
I think it's a better idea to keep your chop a secret ;)
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