Custom Interior by IvanCS

sorry for the res, and sorry for the looooooong tutorial.. hhe.. this is first time I make a tuts..

Sorry, but I didnt like this :x

Sorry my bad english ;)
nice tutor mate :-d
That's actually not too bad, Im always bad with interior mods so this will help abit :-d

but the window need s bit of reflections, so have a play with gradients and masking ;) also the wind shield need to be a bit darker and transparent.

But great effort mate, keep it up :)
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yeah.. I'm bad on making a refs, so i posted the basic.. Thanks my friend for addition, and thanks for any techniques that have u teach to me..:D

@booyaka: sorry, but if u dont like, just leave this thread and dont post ur unlike comment like that,.. Its useless.. :-/
i thoink your tutorial was very simple to understand. noobs having trouble should view it. i definitly picked up some good pointers. thanks. :-d
Have no fear of perfection, You will never achieve it! [Salvador Dali]
yeah.. Experience is tobe shared isn't it..:D I just share what i've got when i play on autemo until like now..:D
simple e fast :-d
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