Pimp My Tractor

This is the discussion thread for the Pimp My Tractor competition. You can talk and chat about the comp in here. Do not submit your entries in this thread. They won't be accepted. Use the proper entry submission form. To go the official comp page click the following link: Pimp My Tractor.
I AM ON IT!! got some bad ass ideas as soon as I seen the base haha :P
Haha good to hear. Thought it would be something different, and funny.
Damnnnn yo, that gonna be a hard one.

I'm a need steelies asap.
i'll give it a stab and see what i can come up with :-d
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does it have to be that base as that one is a little cropped out in parts ?
gonna be real tricky but i'll see what i can do :P
Post edited July 08, 2010 at 09:41:17 AM by Zero
Yes it does, it's a challenge. If you complete, I'll let you slap me :P
Hmm i think i might do something with this :D And as said it is a challenge and i like that.

Good luck to all!
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
do you have to tune it, or just do stuff to it that are nothing to do with chopping? o.O
DC Design wrote:
do you have to tune it, or just do stuff to it that are nothing to do with chopping? o.O

You can do whatever you want with it! :-d
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
Im in ;)!

I ve already started. good luck guys, you ll need it hahaha xD
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