Exotic Challenge

This is the discussion thread for the Exotic Challenge competition. You can talk and chat about the comp in here. Do not submit your entries in this thread. They won't be accepted. Use the proper entry submission form. To go the official comp page click the following link: Exotic Challenge.
Count me in!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
and me ;)
Signature removed because it's too large. Read the rules about signature sizes.
ill give this a go, good base and might cure my choppers block lol

btw 3 inter artists at the moment haha at least its a level comp at the moment :P
Post edited May 08, 2010 at 09:46:41 AM by MrAnderson93
im in i suppose i could give it ago =O
could this be from any exotic base please?
because i have weeks off in few days, and would like to try this, but from own base (viper, ferrari or similar, but still exotic?)
i am in :ID
from practise to perfection
perhaps I xD
My entry is finished in a matter of seconds. Expect to be pwned.
I don't understand this comp, the base is ferrari f430, but what kind chop do? in this comp not ?rules? simple chop, is it?
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